Friday, May 13, 2016

World Records
Throughout the world we may encounter a variety of different people who have interest that may differ from ours. There are many different type of world records and there are people for each. There is a records for holding your breath underwater, the longest record for that was 22 minutes. The man named Dane Stig Severinsen managed to keep himself underwater for 22 minutes to beat the record this man also says he hyperventilated with oxygen 19 minutes prior to his attempt. Severinsen has accomplished things such as swimming 500ft underwater in 2mins and 11secs, he began free diving in 2003 and by the end of first year of practicing he had already broken three records. This record was set in 2012.

Summing it up i would have to say that this is one of my favorite records because it proves the things we are capable of doing without knowing so. There are so many things each person can accomplish but no one is ever aware of what they themselves are capable of and/or others like so. This record caught my attention because i have timed myself to see how long I'd manage to stay underwater but i never get anywhere out of the ordinary and to see someone be able to stay underwater for over 20 minutes is remarkable. I would not mind breaking a record but i know i would not attempt to. I would not see myself actually beating anyone or being able to pull something off of this sort and honestly breaking a record or not is not in any of my goals or interest.

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