Thursday, November 19, 2015

"If it is not right, do not do it; if it is not true do not say it."

-Marcus Aurelius

This all has to do with choosing the right and it makes perfect sense. If you hear a rumor or anything that you are unsure if it is true or not do not repeat it or spread it around even more it should not concern you because you do not know whether it is true. If you know that doing something is choosing the wrong why would you do it. Nothing will come from it besides guilt in between. Each person should always do what they know to be the right thing. It is simple to live a lifestyle of always doing the right thing. You will get nothing but greatness from choosing the right. 

Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday celebrated in Canada and the United States as a day of giving thanks for the blessing of the harvest and of the preceding year. The word evokes images of football, family reunions, roasted turkey with stuffing, pumpkin pie and, of course, the Pilgrims and Wampanoag, the acknowledged founders of the feast.

  1. Family
  2. Memories
  3. Help
  4. Advice
  5. Friendship
  6. Care
  7. Love
  8. Health
  9. Support
  10. Marilyn Manson
  11. Life
  12. All that has been given to me

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

"Doing what is right, fair and honorable is more important than winning or losing."

-Chick Moorman

You can never go wrong when you ctr. whether you are in a tough situation or not ctr is always the best thing do. why would you want to lie to those who admire you as a person. telling one lie will be backed up with another, this process is the worse because when you realize what you have done there will be no way out that will have an outcome in your word. even is the wrong is chosen be brave enough to let others know what you have done wrong if it involves them. Choosing the right always has positive feedback and you could become a role model to any siblings or family members you have, then everyone will continue to ctr and live a wonderful life.

Friday, November 13, 2015

  1. Have the courage to say no.
  2. Have the courage to faith the truth
  3. Do the right thing because it is the right thing

"These are the three magic keys to living your life with integrity"

                                                                                W. Clement Stone

This is something that should always be remembered because it will lead you the right way. You should always do the right thing just because its the right thing, you need no other reason to do the right thing. Here and there we have our slips and ctw but we always try to ctr so we face up to what we have done and come with honesty. Having courage to say no is something everyone should have, being peer pressured is not enjoyable and saying no could be nerve wrecking but always saying to will make you feel proud of yourself.
Health Sciences Librarian
Duties and Responsibilities: In the area of collection development, the Research Librarian for the Health Sciences will be responsible for the selection, assessment, and management of collections and resources that support the School of Medicine.
Salary: $58,000
Education: Complete a 4-year baccalaureate program in any discipline they choose. Majors for health science librarians include biology, library sciences, management, or health information. Master's degree required of Library and Information Science.

Reflection: Personally I would not like to be a Health Sciences Librarian because I’d rather be doing many of other things. I don’t feel like this is my type of job because I am not one to do research I often get bored of them.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Veterans Day
What is Veterans Day?
This holiday is a public holiday held on the anniversary of the end of World War I. As well as to honor US veterans and victims of all wars.
When is Veterans Day?
November 11
What is the purpose?
To honor any Veteran who fought in any war.
Why is it important to show honor?
To thank the veterans who fought.
Ways to show honor,
1)  Place flowers/flags on the graves of veterans.
2)  Proudly display your American flag.
3)  Help a homeless Veteran through VA services.
4)  Order a pizza.  On 11/11/11 for every order placed, Papa John's will donate $1 to the USO.
5)  Visit a local retirement home and chat with some elderly veterans who will share their stories.
6)  Volunteer at a VA Hospital.
7)  Send a care package through Operation Gratitude
8)  Donate a stuffed animal so that Operation Gratitude can create a "Battalion buddy" to children of deployed soldiers.
9)  Send your left over Halloween candy to soldiers.
10)  When you see a soldier boarding your fully booked flight, offer them your window or aisle seat
I believe that Veterans Day is a great and honorable holiday. It is great to show respect to any Veteran who fought in any war just to show that we thank them for what they did. It is great to think how happy this makes those Veterans feel to show they are not forgotten. Just to imagine a smile on their faces not ashamed of how they came back. No further more Veterans Day is simply great.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Shall be wise

"He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed"

Thou shall always choose to surround themselves with the wise. A wise surrounding will always be better and more productive than the others. Why would you want to surround oneself with fools knowing you will get nothing good from it. Not often is it seen a fool with a wise job, or saying never instead. To be wise will always be better than to being a fool. Always choose to be wise it would be the wise thing to do. Why be a fool when you can be something great in life.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

"The best recreation is to do good."

-William Penn

To do good is always the thing to do. Doing good adds more positive feels to your life. To do good will always get you somewhere better in life than to do bad. Doing bad will provide you with more negativity than you would already have. To do good will always make you feel proud and happy. Doing good will also rub off on your family and the people whom which surround you.Being happy is always better than being sad. You can live a happy life always choosing the right or a sad life where everything is wrong.To do good will always be the best thing to do. Good will always be the answer to everything.